The bouncy, folk-rock tune takes inspiration from the likes of Mumford and Sons, Fleet Foxes and The Mama's and the Papa's. "When we first started writing music together we had aimed for a more folky sound overall,” says guitarist Kendall. "Originally the guitar lines were written for banjo and the song was jug-tootingly folky. When the song came out of pre-production at The Palace, producer Caleb James had worked this awesome festival vibe around it. People heard it and started dancing so naturally it became our festival song and my banjo became a paper-weight."
Timber Bones leave on their maiden bus voyage after a month’s work under the very same Queenslander. Planning an east-coast tour for the coming summer Timber Bones whole journey will be documented in a web-series to appear on their website. Find it through the usual social media outlets and stay up to date with the latest news, song teasers and competitions.
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